we are ready to help you


BALTIC STONE consultants organize seminars about different types of natural stone and engineered solid surface materials for design/project firms, furniture producing companies, architects in Lithuania (meetings need to be pre-arranged).


Please call us or write an email if you would like us to give a presentation about your brand to our partners 



map of lithuanian stone fabricators


There are several stone working companies in Lithuania that specialize in the production and installation of stone items, such as countertops, flooring, wall cladding, and many more. Below is the map of stone fabricators and their contacts. Stone and engineered brands suppliers are also included in the map. Fabricators' headquarters and offices are marked in red, and suppliers' warehouses and offices are marked in blue. The list of stone working companies and their contacts is here: Lithuanian Stone Fabricators.


Stone fabricator


Arsenalas logo
Avant logo
Staron logo

Informacija šioje svetainėje skirta asmeniniam klientų naudojimui. Čia pateiktus aprašymus, straipsnius ir nuotraukas draudžiama naudoti ar platinti kitose svetainėse, žiniasklaidos priemonėse, skelbimuose ar kitur komerciniais ir nekomerciniais tikslais be Balticstone raštiško sutikimo. 

Balticstone +370 609 98011
